Best Practices for using SMS to promote your beauty business

So your digital storefront is live – now what? In order to build your beauty business you need to let you clients know you have a storefront and, in today’s world, it’s important to communicate with them where and when they want to be communicated with.  Consumers are not only used to getting text messages from brands and businesses, an overwhelming majority want to communicate through text messages. You might even be texting with clients already to set up appointments. So how do you use text messages more?  First, make sure your clients are ok with you texting them, once confirmed follow these 7 steps to get started:
  1. Create a schedule to promote consistency 
  2. Offer value: deals / new products etc
  3. Make sure you’re responsive: By offering a text messaging service, you’re committing to a platform of communication that delivers messages instantly. 20% of people read a text message within one minute of receiving it.
  4. Personalize it – no one wants a robot texting them 
  5. Watch the frequency of your texts
  6. Focus on bringing value 
  7. Have a conversation – be yourself