5 Tips to make your Instagram Profile Pop

You know what they say, you never get a second chance at a first impression and this is true for your Instagram account as well as in real life. So make sure you have a profile that pops off the phone!  We’ve put together 5 tips you can do today to make your Instagram profile more attractive!

Are you ready to make your Instagram account pop? Read on!

Pro Tip: Start by making sure you have an Instagram Business account. Some of the suggestions below will not work on a personal account. An Instagram Business account is free, and gives you more functionality to help promote your business.

  1. Use a photo that’s really you for your profile picture, and make sure it reflects your personal brand. Your profile picture is the picture everyone sees when you post, comment or when they come to your profile. Are you serious, or comical? Conservative or far out. Whatever your personal brand is make sure that comes through in your profile picture. You want to be authentic, people want to follow a person not a robot!
  2. Speaking of personality – your Instagram bio is the perfect place to showcase who you are and what you do. A thoughtfully curated bio is a must! What does that mean? Well, you only have 150 characters to tell people who you are, what you do and why they should follow you – that may seem stressful but have fun with it and that will come across! Emojis are a great way to add personality to your bio but keep in mind that they are included in the 150 characters – so make’em count!
  3. With a business account you can choose your business category – take advantage of this. Selecting your business category is just another way to let people know what you do! Keep in mind, you can only set this on mobile – so sign in on your phone.
  4. Make it easy for people to contact you. Another perk of having a business account, is being able to add an email address for click to email, a phone number for click to call, and a physical location people can tap to get driving directions if you want. Just keep in mind that anyone on Instagram can see this information so only add what you are comfortable sharing publicly.
  5. Lastly, don’t forget to add a link. Instagram lets you have one, that’s right, just one link in your bio – so don’t forget about it. Use this link to share your digital storefront URL with your followers so they can easily click to shop for products in your store!

There you go – our top 5 tips for making your Instagram profile pop!

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